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  • Thales' Theorem

    Thales' theorem
    box -1, -1, 7, 4
    vertical a(#A, -2, 10, 170) = 170
    c = circle(point(3, 0), 3)
    P = point(c, a°)
    M = point(0, 0)
    N = point(6, 0)
      c 0° 180° gray
    label M, P, N right, 0.6

    This interactive script can be converted into an animated GIF using :

    $> eukleides -a A81 thales.euk -o thales.ps

    to create a multi-page PS document, and then (provided ImageMagik is installed) :

    $> convert -delay 5 thales.ps thales.gif